transhood leena social media

. Its ruined my life and now everyone in this world is going to know. This HBO documentary follows the lives and trajectories of four transgender and gender-nonconforming children in Kansas City. Aaron Barnhart has written about television since 1994, including 15 years as TV critic for the Kansas City Star. Like any child, I basked in grandmas undivided attention and wanted to please her. As is the case with children who identify as a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth, Phoenix had a social transition before puberty, changing aspects of his identity like pronouns and clothing. Phoenixs entire wardrobe is draped in rainbow. 2023 The Federalist, A wholly independent division of FDRLST Media. In retrospect, I see her behavior as emotional and psychological abuse because it planted the idea I would be loved more as a girl. TRANSHOOD. People are being hurt. I mean, it's the love for our kid that just led us in the direction listening to her.. It takes place over five years. Avery Jackson, a 13-year-old trans activist whom you may recognize from the HBO Max documentary Transhood, has grown a lot over the five-year filming period . The location was also a backdrop for the shifting attitudes around and support networks for trans people. He also sees it as vital to show different aspects of what it means to be trans, and dispel some of the intolerance and misperceptions about trans people. An upcoming pro-transgender documentary entitled "Transhood" follows the story of four children in Kansas City and their journey as activists for the transgender community. Original . The storyline shows the difficult decisions trans people often make about disclosing their identities. The trailer also ignores the revolutionary ideological demands behind the transgender movement and its impact on the legal rights, institutions, and civic support for all women and girls. I remember sitting on the porch, watching grandma cut and stitch pieces of purple chiffon cloth into a beautiful full-length evening dress for me, her four-year-old grandson. But I knew that no matter what sex she wanted to be, she was my grandchild and I would love her.. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. Phoenix at 4 is seen identifying as a girl-boy. He later identifies as a girl and by age 7 is seen identifying as male. In less than a decade, the Democratic party, the media, the entertainment industry, and much of academia have thrown their weight behind . According to GLAAD, only 20% of Americans say they personally know someone who is transgender. Republicans Should Investigate, Cori Bush Married Her Unlicensed Security Guard While Calling To Defund Police, Questioning Bidens Ukraine Policy Doesnt Make You An Isolationist. Viewers follow Leena, 15 when filming began, and her family as they navigate her later adolescence, the disappointments of her first relationship and her goal to have gender confirmation surgery when she turns 19. There is much testimony among parents of trans kids who have been told by therapists that lack of support for these children is the same as harming them. Clean your room. In a film segment posted to Twitter byMatt Walshof The Daily Wire, one of the kids featured in the film a 12-year-old named Avery expresses regret concerning the promotion of his book about his life at an LGBT youth event in the nations capital. A youngtransgenderchild went off-script during the recent filming of a new documentary, warning liberals that switching genders hasruined my life., Avery, a male who lives his life as a girl, blasted his far-left activist mother in an upcoming pro-transgender documentary entitledTranshood.. Transhood is a 2020 American documentary film directed and produced by Sharon Liese. It was Leena who recognized that she was transgender.". Sharon Liese directs Transhood, a documentary that chronicles the lives of four young people and their families as they grow up transgender in the politically and religiously . As Leena deals with the disappointment of her first love and works towards becoming a fashion model, she also experiences her personal goal of gender confirmation surgery when she turns 19. While their parents are supportive at first, once Phoenix de-transitions and begins identifying as a boy, their mother does a complete 180, calling transgender identity a mental disorder.. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. Four kids and their families unmask the intimate realities of how gender fluidity is reshaping the family next door, especially in America's heartland. If a Christian couple had a son who came out as a homosexual and the parents response was to send him to a so-called straight camp, the establishment media and their progressive allies would have a field day plastering the couples faces nationwide, branding them as bigots and homophobes. I think it had the most of her voice, rather than her parents (which certainly is affected by age, as she was a high school freshman when filming started). Clips from a new HBO documentary on transgender children are making the rounds on social media. Their feelings remain potent and tangible throughout: After all, kids are kids, no matter their upheavals. When her mom tries to wheedle her into appearing at yet another event, the little girl finally lashes out: I just dont even wanna have a book. 15 . I can see that grandmas withholding of love for the four-year-old boy Walt set in motion the desire to punish myself for being a boy. Children lack the maturity to consent to medical interventions. Here he tries to explain how he feels but she disregards it. All rights reserved. Reviews surrounding the film appeared as early as summer 2020 after Transhood aired at AFI Docs Festival in June. pubescent Jay, elementary schooler Avery and preschool-aged Phoenix, are developmentally less self-possessed than teenage Leena, so Liese (and the audience) must instead rely on their parents to articulate their childrens emotional states. In one video in response to the HBO documentary "Transhood," which in part profiled Jackson and Avery, Walsh said that parents supporting their trans children is a "deranged" form of "child abuse." Trans activist Eli Erlick was the first to make the connection between Lynn and Walsh, and posted about it in a Twitter thread on Monday to warn . cumbersome ordeals even many adults wouldnt be able to shoulder. Such is the case with HBO's new documentary Transhood, which follows four transgender individuals Leena, Phoenix, Avery, . It will enlighten, depress, and alarm you all at once, and its the best way to understand the crisis thats happening with so many of Americas children. In this clip, you see a mother reading a transgender childrens book titled Jacobs New Dress to her 4-year-old son, Phoenix. If I sell my book, its going to be on the news along with me for like the 50th time at this point, and its just going to make my life worse, Avery says. All the while poor Jay comforts her, no doubt feeling some semblance of guilt over something that is not at all his fault. Leena. Over time, I became increasing uncomfortable with myself as a boy, to the point of disliking myself as Walt and adopting a secret female name at age 13. I cant make everyone like me and understand, but at least they can watch this film, and hopefully they can see that [being trans] is O.K. Grandpa was often out for hours at a time, towing cars. HBO MAX. Offering no narration, expert talking heads or text interstitials, Liese forgoes contextualizing the culture wars and instead lets her subjects speak for themselves. People ask me, how do kids know when they are four years old? When I was dating Brian, it felt like an authentication, she said. and they dont need to judge me for it, he says. In the most shocking scene, Leena, who wants his penis to more closely resemble a vagina (a procedure that literally involves splitting the phallus longways in half), visits a surgeon, Dr. Marci Bowers, who tells him, The thing is, a penis is basically the same thing as a clitoris. Avery at one point says, Why do I have to grow up? Im excited, and now I have the mindset that if people dont like it, thats O.K., he says. Scene from HBO's pro-trans documentary. But unlike their cisgender peers, they navigate body dysphoria, hormone treatments, threats of violence, and the weight . Any sane person would feel compassion for both the children and for the confused parents. They threw the dress away and made sure that I never visited grandmas alone again. Parents who tell their trans declared children that they are worried about them, that they dont think they should make life-altering decisions, that theyre young and they should explore slowly may experience pushback or rejection from their child in return. There is not a lot of trans representation in media, so I knew I had to tell their stories." The documentary follows 12-year-old Jay, 15-year-old Leena, 7-year-old Avery and 4-year-old Phoenix. The film also ignores the growing evidence that more kids who would grow up to be gay or lesbian are being seduced into the de-sexed, unhealthy, sad, infertile, and unattractive role of transgender men and transgender women. Most children, if not scored by their parents to pro-transgender medical providers, grow to accept their bodies. Thats our natural thing to do, because we are so scared, says Jay. Avery, Jay, and Leena, at puberty, each chose to undergo some degree of gender-affirmative medical transition as well. He sees the film as a broader coming out, where more of the people he went to community college and graduated with will learn that he is trans and understand more about his experience. Ive done too much in this world. Phoenix at 4 is seen identifying as a "girl-boy.". The four young people director Sharon Liese followed in her hometown between 2014 and 2019 show different facets of what it can mean to be trans or gender fluid. A new HBO Max documentary, "Transhood," follows for five years the lives of four Kansas City, Mo. It confirms the pain, uncertainty, and endless search for holistic personhood. Parents need to know that Transhood is a documentary that follows four transgender-identified children (whose ages at the beginning are 4, 7, 12, and 15) over five years of their lives in Kansas City, Missouri. #BoycottHBO The Hollywood Reporter is a part of Penske Media Corporation. The youngest subject in the film, Phoenix, is just four years old when filming began. Another scene shows a mother visibly coaxing her son who no . I hear from so many distraught adults and parents of children about the regrettable and often gruesome consequences of being indoctrinated into changing genders that I assembled 30 representative stories into a book, Trans Life Survivors, to give a glimpse of what the survivors of changing genders have to say about what they endured. But I am not. Four kids face typical growing pains like acne, sibling rivalry, divorcing parents, crushes, and breakups. Unlock premium content, ad-free browsing, and access to comments for just $4/month. Its a rude awakening to this young person affirmed by his parents and medical providers that hes not the sex he was born as that straight boys are highly unlikely to view other biological males as female. Today I have organized the " CEO meet NEOM new joiners " event. Its not something you just decide. All Rights Reserved. Looking back on the film now, a year since filming ended, Jay feels he has changed a lot. Of course, most parents of teenagers have heard the youve ruined my life line. A lopsided majority of voters oppose transgender medical treatment of children. Slectionnez Grer les paramtres pour grer vos prfrences. '", Every single family that goes through this has a different experience, Cathy said. We watch Jays mom burst into tears during her sons doctors appointment, panicking over the astronomical costs of his transition care. "I've known Leena since the day she was born and have taken care of her since she was two months old so I've seen lots of changes," her grandmother told TODAY. Avery, Leena, and Phoenix. Unlock premium content, ad-free browsing, and access to comments for just $4/month. 1.3M followers. A study published earlier this year indicated that that if transgender youth have access to puberty blockers, their chances of suicide and mental health issues in both the immediate and long-term decline significantly. Even over five years, observations about them remain shallow. 18, Copyright 2022 NEWSPUNCH, LLC. I know its still happening, Debi said. This is what trans indoctrination of children looks like, from HBO's new documentary promoting and celebrating child abuse. The Transhood trailer glosses over the tension in the four families caused by the transgender claims. They still battle first breakups and unwanted step-parents like anyone else. Two of the children, 12-year-old Jay (a girl who identifies as a boy) and 15-year-old Leena (the opposite), have been placed on hormone pharmaceuticals by their parents in order to suppress their . Running time: 1 hour 36 minutes. , we watch moms and dads struggle with and also support their childrens transitions. Their emotional processing even feels, at times, more compelling than their childrens, perhaps because Lieses team edits the film around the parents rather explosive confessions. "I've known Leena since the day she was born and have taken care of her since she was two months old so I've seen lots of changes, Shirley told TODAY Parents. The HBO documentary tracks the children over five years, but regrettable outcomes from transgender treatments often occur years, even decades, later, when the thrill of transition wears off. As she worked, she smiled and remarked how cute I looked. 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Does Leena have a social media page I . Ultimately, particularly as children enter their midteens, they may become more emboldened to leave behind families and disconnect from parentsparents who, in some cases, have wanted nothing more than to make their children happy and whole. 4-year-old Phoenixbuffs the transition encouraged by his parents and we later learn that he accepts his male sex. I see now that medical transitioninjecting female hormones and undergoing multiple surgical proceduresto destroy the male me was a form of self-abuse not unlike drinking to excess. The good Lord puts all the kinds of people on this Earth, and we have to learn to accept them and live with them and love them., Alexander Kacala is a reporter and editor atTODAY Digitaland NBC OUT. The film follows the story of four children in Kansas City who have been forced into the spotlight as role models for the transgender community. It is definitely hard to come out to someone that you care about. Republicans Should Investigate, Cori Bush Married Her Unlicensed Security Guard While Calling To Defund Police, Questioning Bidens Ukraine Policy Doesnt Make You An Isolationist. All rights reserved. 937 following. Liese says that this scene with Jay was such a pivotal and huge moment for the film, because it can represent what can happen, and what happens frequently when trans people disclose their identities. TranshoodNot rated. The older the subject, the more theyre able to convey personal agency without parental interpretation. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresseIP, Navigation et recherche lors de lutilisation des sites Web et applications Yahoo. When you purchase a ticket for an independently reviewed film through our site, we earn an affiliate commission. I think a lot of that is what made her decide that she didnt want to be so public at the time. Still, by far the most compelling family is Phoenixs. We just were not sure what the right way to go about it was, Cathy said. HBO unveiled a new trailer for Transhood on Friday, three weeks ahead of its premiere, introducing viewers to Jay, Avery, Leena and Phoenix, who range in age from 4 to 15 at the film's start . According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three transgender youth has experienced a suicide attempt. Coming out to loved ones was what changed the discussion for same-sex marriage, but Transhood suggests that for transgender people and their families, it's only the painful start. Much later, we witness the kids regretful mom slowly harden to the idea that her child was ever nonconforming at all, blaming her exs previous influence as Phoenix starts to assume a more masculine presentation. The documentary also sidelines the parents who resist the transgender demands and instead help their children accept their unavoidable biology. The question is, how do you not believe them? This was true for Jay, who says he understands why people might have these questions, but who knew that he was trans when he was 5. I crashed, entered alcohol rehab, and started therapy. Transhood is filmed in director Sharon Liese's hometown of Kansas. But the older subjects Jay (12), who has to negotiate being out as transgender at school, and Leena (15), an aspirational model, land as more engaging. Moody Jay, who began filming at age 12, is being raised by a struggling single mom while enjoying puppy love with a girlfriend who has no idea hes trans. Anyone who would try to equate the two issues is either lying or delusional. The trailer ignores the many young men and women who quit the transgender lifestyle. While their parents are supportive at first, once Phoenix de-transitions and begins identifying as a boy, their mother does a complete 180, calling transgender identity "a mental disorder.". Leena, who we meet at age 15, takes her family and best friend on an unexpected emotional journey as she . I think people perceive being transgender as something evil only because they don't know what's going on., Its still children and feelings, and theres still gotta be that love, and theres still gotta be the rules, he added. These hormones effectively suspend puberty, and their effects are reversible if a person decides to stop taking them; if a person goes through puberty, physical developments like breast and hair growth are more difficult to reverse. In addition to Transhood and the TRANSlation Summit, HBO Max has plenty of content to celebrate Transgender Awareness Week (November 13-19).One of them is the new HBO Max original Veneno which . She parades him around to show him off while he is visibly in despair. On Thursday, November 12, HBO premiered the documentary film Transhood, following the lives of four children and adolescents who "identify" (or whose parents have said they identify) as transgender. Transhood Trailer. If I sell my book its gonna go in the news, along with me, for like the fiftieth time at this point and its just making my life worse. Yowsers. Ive done too much in this world. Hes also dragged to Washington, D.C., for a protest and to sign copies of an illustrated book, under his name, about being a transgender child. Oh my god, so many results already! she jokes, filming herself taking her first hormone pills. 1,655 likes. The older the subject, the more theyre able to convey personal agency without parental interpretation. He now feels more outgoing, and more open to talking about the documentary. We were completely in the dark about it, too, before this all happened. The film follows four families in Kansas City, all of which include a child who identifies as transgender. Magazines, depictions of transgender people onscreen, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, various levels of government have enacted major changes, Or create a free account to access more articles. Transhood. Leena's family requested that their last names be withheld to protect their privacy. I lived as a woman for the next eight years. The film follows the story of four children in Kansas City . Liese also follows Avery, who was 7 when filming began, as she sits for a portrait for the cover of National Geographics 2017 Gender Revolution issue and faces the pressure that comes with media attention. It has taken me years to adequately assess the full range of consequences inflicted by grandmas gender grooming. Benjamin Franklins proverb, Lifes tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late, sums up my feelings now at 80 years of age when I reflect on how I, a reasonable man, became a willing participant in body-mutilating surgeries because a so-called gender specialist said that was the treatment I needed. In the film, viewers see how Jay expresses his identity, particularly in two scenes with his barber, who is also a trans man. Two issues is either lying or delusional the two issues is either lying or delusional to GLAAD, 20. Is, how do kids know when they are four years old excited, and Leena, we. Meet at age 15, takes her family and best friend on an unexpected emotional journey she... To medical interventions HBO 's new documentary promoting and celebrating child abuse s hometown of Kansas on an unexpected journey. Hbo 's new documentary promoting and celebrating child abuse 2020 After Transhood aired at AFI Docs Festival in June storyline! 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