And then I think a real key moment was - I think I was 14 and was asked to play piano for my high school's musical. GROSS: Like, among the shows he did was terrific revivals of "Music Man," which is, of course, referenced (laughter) in "Schmigadoon!" Cecily Strong, who was a child actress and then an improviser in Chicago before finding fame on "Saturday Night Live," is set to make her New York stage debut this winter. I'm Terry Gross, and this is FRESH AIR. The series stars Cecily Strong and Keegan-Michael Key as a couple who find themselves stuck in a 1940s musical's wacky town, where people sing about their love of "Corn Pudding" and quite . Apple TV+ is close to putting in a series order for the project. Was it your idea to do her, or did someone say, oh, you should do her? They just performed, you know? Congratulations on "Schmigadoon!" A powerful memoir from the Saturday Night Live cast member Cecily Strong about grieving the death of her cousinand embracing the life-affirming lessons he taught heramid the coronavirus pandemic. This is FRESH AIR. I was a new cast member. So like, the reality - COVID was real to you. I mean, when I was growing up in Brooklyn, I thought people in movies and on Broadway were, like, from another planet. GROSS: That's pretty great. It's streaming on Apple TV+. total viewers were 4.1 million after three weeks lingering around 3.7 million. The town looks like a stage or movie set from the early 20th century. GROSS: To shoot and be in these, like, exuberant, like, joyful production scenes? Now Emmy-nominated actress Cecily Strong slides through the tour-de-force roles created by the Peabody and Emmy Award-winning writer Jane Wagner who is reimagining the legendary one-person play . But this is a song where she has no clue that her husband is gay. They get lost in the woods, cross over a bridge and suddenly find themselves on what looks like a backlot movie set of a small town in the early 20th century - a town called Schmigadoon. And you can't have love without having a lover's spat. I saw "Guys And Dolls." UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) We want corn puddin'. We'll be right back after a short break. And, like, those are usually boring, too, and I never really understand the function that they serve. And then my uncle is also a Broadway producer. And I think Hal Willner, our music producer, had passed away the night before or something. July 16, 2021 1:58 PM PT. She has a new memoir called "This Will All Be Over Soon," and she stars in the new series "Schmigadoon!," a satire of classic musicals from the '40s and '50s. Here to explain is Jeanine Pirro. And there was no lines; it was all facial expressions. GROSS: Would you describe that experience? We were in his office, and he was like, have you seen this lady? In case you are wondering about his identity, Jack is an international traveler. That was my parents' question. JOST: That's great. KEY: (As Josh Skinner) I'm not singing, and you're not singing. Like, clearly it was a thing for Rodgers and Hammerstein. So you must have had this idea early on that being in shows was something real people did. And it seems like - you know, my other thought is, like, COVID is something we have to learn to coexist with. GROSS: And it just reminded me, too, that when I was in school, we had to learn some of that kind of dancing - you know, like, square dancing. The couple, Josh and Melissa, are played by Keegan-Michael Key and Cecily Strong. And it opens with, you know, two friends hiking through the wilderness, and they're hiking over the countryside. (SOUNDBITE OF TV SHOW, "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE"). But they both soon realize they're trapped in Schmigadoon, where life is a musical. And so I think they thought that might be a good outlet for me. My Uncle Ed is a theater producer in New York, my dad and . And you know, there is still an element of, like, you're playing with your friends. Six episodes at approximately 30 minutes each.) September 29, 2022 5:22pm. . And new flash, Michael - 40% of children are just their legs. . And it's like, this is still when New York City is really the epicenter, and our show is so about New York City. And so we played with that in two ways. A leprechaun has explained to the couple - in song - that they can't leave Schmigadoon until they find true love, which means the depth of their love is about to be tested. CHE: (As himself) So I assume you're not happy with the election. She stars with Keegan-Michael Key in the new series "Schmigadoon!" I mean, "Corn Puddin'" came out of - initially, I was thinking, you know, what is the song that is most going to annoy Keegan's character? You know, really, we talk about escapism, and I had real-life escapism where I flew into this beautiful, magical land of Vancouver, where there's, like, water and mountains and big trees. STRONG: I almost enjoy it more to see when someone's laughing. This Mueller report completely exonerated the president, and therefore everybody on the Trump train - woo, woo (ph). And the first morning that you're there, you're having breakfast on the porch. You just really got her down (laughter). STRONG: That's usually just Colin and I. Again, my family, everyone I know - huge fans. My mom is in Mexico. You put the corn in the puddin' and the puddin' in the bowl. This is FRESH AIR. And it was hard - you know, I had theater, thank God, and really was comfortable in that world. And Alan does such an amazing job with this character and really gives him depth and heart in a way that elevates it even beyond, you know, what I'd hoped he'd bring. This election is a mis-grace (ph), OK? And I wound up never stopping. So - but talk about writing this and what you wanted to do with it. And I was just part of a wave of kids who were expelled. You put the bowl in your belly 'cause it's good for the soul. UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (Singing, as characters) My guys loves corn puddin'. The series is streaming on Apple TV+. STRONG: No. STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) So you're ready to give up on us because of what a leprechaun said? You know, I wasn't a super popular kid. And I just - I did theater. It's brought me such pleasure at a time when I think we all need some pleasure. GROSS: We're listening to my interview with Cinco Paul. STRONG: No. What did you do to try to capture her voice? And it was like, now let's read our sketches and see - and then, like, have to film them all by Saturday. That's just so funny. I appreciate it. Our interviews and reviews are produced and edited by Amy Salit, Phyllis Myers, Roberta Shorrock, Sam Briger, Lauren Krenzel, Heidi Saman, Therese Madden, Ann Marie Baldonado, Seth Kelley and Kayla Lattimore. It's like, why are we learning this? PAUL: I grew up in Phoenix, Ariz., so I didn't see a lot of shows live, but my mom really loved musicals, and she had cast recordings for - I specifically remember "Camelot" - you know, loving as a pretty young kid and listening to that. And you kind of have a song parodying that called "Corn Puddin'.". GROSS: And he's not just a Broadway producer. But she does not, you know, embrace them in the way that I do. And we just thought it was so funny, and it was a fun way to play her. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As character, singing) Every steak's bound to have some fat. And actually, I flew out of the chair the first time because, you know, I hadn't done much physical comedy on the show at all. When we left off, we were talking about her characters on "SNL.". NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Cecily Strong is saying goodbye to Saturday Night Live. STRONG: It's actually - I mean, it's funny timing. And that really led to my love of movies and reading about movies and then starting to make my own with our family's Super 8 camera, which we've gotten for home movies, you know, on vacation. And that was the germ of the idea. The six episodes follow a couple (played by Strong and Keegan-Michael Key) stumbling upon the titular magical town trapped in a Golden Age-era musical, and star an A-list cast of Broadway greats . Cecily Strong. GROSS: That's Cecily Strong is Judge Jeanine Pirro. Cecily Strong's new book, This Will All Be Over Soon, isn't what you expect from a Saturday Night Live cast member's . And now she's appearing in New York in a limited-run production of Jane Wagner's "The Search For Signs Of Intelligent Life In The Universe." You know, and then it took a while to really understand - here's all of the things we're going to put in place. I'm like, well, live with my brother for a week and tell me you don't think psych meds are good. But what really cracked it for me was, oh, instead of two friends, it should be a couple. Cecily Strong has 29 acting credits on her IMDb profile, along with her first producer credit for Schmigadoon!, a musical comedy television show that premiered on Apple TV+ in 2021. . . My guest is Cecily Strong. It's a kind of - there's references to other songs in it, including "You're A Queer One, Julie Jordan" from - that's from "Carousel," right? GROSS: Well, listen. Her characters have included Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Melania Trump and the girl you wish you hadn't started a conversation with at a party. Why did you want him to hate musicals? Oh, he'll have to marry me. I'm really glad we came. Please continue playing piano for us. 1 year ago. STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) Then what are you saying? GROSS: Oh, yeah. This Mueller report completely exonerated the president, and therefore everybody on the Trump train, woo, woo (ph). GROSS: Like, among the shows he did was terrific revivals of "Music Man," which is, of course, referenced (laughter) in "Schmigadoon!" GROSS: So your character in "Schmigadoon!" We'll hear from the co-creator of "Schmigadoon!" You know, my grandmother would buy me musicals on VHS. If you're just joining us, my guest is Cecily Strong. This is FRESH AIR. So if he wants my puddin', he'll have to marry me. GROSS: So your character in "Schmigadoon!" Cecily Strong is an American actress and comedian. I - you know, it's hard. And she told me I was looking at the world with S - I can't swear - with crap-colored glasses. It's like, can we skip that (laughter)? Comedian's romantic life explored. GROSS: Yeah, yeah. And so it was like, I was going to be a fifth-year senior, which just felt bonkers. And we just thought it was so funny, and it was a fun way to play her. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character, singing) You can't plow a field without hitting some stone. And we wrote a sketch, actually, that didn't make it onto the show. I am eating ice cream, and the voiceover says, like, well, McDonald's now has ice - soft-serve for 37 cents or whatever it was. Apple TV+ today released the trailer for its new musical comedy series "Schmigadoon!," executive produced by Lorne Michaels and starring Emmy Award nominee Cecily Strong and Emmy Award winner Keegan-Michael Key. It's an ode to those songs. . This is FRESH AIR. STRONG: That's usually just Colin and I. GROSS: So let's hear a clip of you doing Jeanine Pirro. The co-production with Off-Broadway's The Shed . You've just really got her down (laughter). (As characters, singing) Just 'cause you feuded don't mean that you're concluded. GROSS: There's times on Update when Colin Jost has been laughing, like, so hard because you're so funny. GROSS: How did you come up with the idea of a musical about people trapped in a musical set in the early 20th century? Here with her final thoughts on this election is the Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation With at a Party. Corn, corn, corn, corn, corn puddin'. So that's when I joined SAG. That's where everything's OK. Otherwise, it's hard to get an impression on the show. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. A leprechaun has explained to the couple - in song - that they can't leave Schmigadoon until they find true love, which means the depth of their love is about to be tested. I'm Terry Gross. ", which is now streaming on Apple TV+. USA. GROSS: Were you thrilled to be doing a commercial? GROSS: A turning point in your young life (laughter) was in 1999 when you were a sophomore in high school. And so in the spirit of turning your life into a musical, I just want to play the opening theme from your podcast, "Make Him Watch It. I think, you know, we were told - we went on our hiatus that was supposed to be our three-week or two-week hiatus in March and then just didn't come back until May. ; Making an appearance at the Chicago Sketch Fest, Chicago Just for Laughs, New York Sketchfest, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Goodman Theater, Bailiwick Theater, Mercury Theater, and Virgin Daiquiri with an all-female improv troupe. It's very beautiful there. And she used the playbill and a lot of those pictures. Did you get to go backstage? In this scene, the couple keeps trying to escape Schmigadoon by crashing back over the bridge while bickering about their relationship. The musical comedy has been created by screenwriters Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio of 'Despicable Me' fame. KEY: (As Josh Skinner) And you're not sick? And you go like, whoa, what's that? And immediately he's concerned about the age difference, especially because the actresses, you know, who play these roles were never actually teenagers. And "Corn Puddin'" suddenly came to me as just a - it's kind of the perfect representation of these sort of songs like the - it's "A Real Nice Clambake." And then it ends in a very - you know, Ann does an amazing job with the song, and it ends in a really sweet spot - right? You know, we were getting ready for one of those - I think they were two "Update" specials because it was an election year. Like, he's just - when he's managing it, he is the most delightful, wonderful - my brother is, like, one of my favorite people in the world. The Keegan-Michael Key character hates musicals. The Search . I should really just drink olive juice; it'd be safer. KEY: (As Josh Skinner) Would you leave us alone for just a minute? STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) I think they want us to take a verse. She's created some great characters for the show. There must be a lobby somewhere that is making sure that that's still taught in schools. So I really was like, come on, everybody. STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) Come on, could be fun. And then they went, oh, wait a minute; there's one more pocket. In this scene, the couple keeps trying to cross the bridge and escape Schmigadoon while bickering about their relationship. Strong stars in the new Apple TV+ satire about a couple who get lost in the woods and end up trapped in a town where life is a musical and the townspeople frequently burst into song. Pick a womanany woman!and she can probably make the character really sing. STRONG: (As The Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation with at a Party) And I'm sorry. GROSS: And so the reason why they're singing about corn pudding is it's their first morning in town. And my guest, Cinco Paul, co-created the series, co-wrote it and wrote all the songs. It's like, I'll keep driving west. But I remember, you know, "Camelot" and "South Pacific" and "Guys And Dolls" and hearing those a lot. (SOUNDBITE OF DON BYRON'S "SHAKE 'EM UP"). In her second season, she co-anchored Weekend Update with Seth Meyers and then Colin Jost. Strong has been a cast member of "Saturday Night Live" since 2012. 'Schmigadoon!' STRONG: (As The Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation With at a Party) Here's a thought, Michael - maybe try being woke for a change, OK? (Carolyn Van Houten / Chicago Tribune) . One is the bad boy, you know, which is the Billy Bigelow character. OK, can you just please tell us about the candidates? I think that's why, for 25 years, nothing happened with it because it was - it needed that addition to really crack it. You have to do people that everybody knows. You know, my grandmother would buy me musicals on VHS. I was a weird kid, you know, singing "I Wonder What The King Is Doing Tonight" in my room, memorizing the lyrics. And I will put on music I really like and get myself warm and fall asleep and not have to wake up. And he was showing me clips of her, like, doing man-on-the-street interviews. So it was really important for the show to have that perspective. UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) First, she said something bad to get his gander. You don't land a job with SNL without being funny. So here you are on "Weekend Update" as Judge Jeanine Pirro. Cecily attended Oak Park and River Forest High . Talk about the process of writing that. GROSS: Had you been vaccinated when you shot the series? - I mean, it 's funny timing 's bound to have some fat that world are.. We left off, we were talking about her characters on `` Weekend Update Seth! Onto the show to have that perspective # 2: ( As the you! Hear from the co-creator of `` Schmigadoon! for just a minute ; there 's one more pocket and myself... Usually just Colin and I was n't a super popular kid the of. 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