high paying jobs in the 1920s

A squad of policewomen lines up for duty, 1921. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. Study showed how much a family of five would need to live in Washington DC in 1920. Source: Appendix in. Wages shown in 1931 US dollars. companies and the government dismissed large numbers of married women and made it difficult for married women to get high-paying professional or clerical jobs. Discussion puts wage data in context with price levels which were definitely affected by the wars. It can change how you see your past and maybe even your future. Source: BLS Monthly labor review, Apr 1926, Shows the average retail prices of various foodstuffs throughout Switzerland. Shows wages and hours for union bricklayers, building laborers, carpenters, cement finishers,hod carriers, inside wiremen, painters, plasterers, plumbers, stonecutters and more. Live-in maid's earnings were 6 a year. Teacher salaries for. Shows starting salary and increases granted based on marital status and number of children. Women began finding their way into roles traditionally taken by men. Wages are shown in Dutch guilder. Compares average retail prices for drug-store items at independent stores and chain stores in Cincinnati and Washington DC. Who Will Win? TRANSPORTATION This booklet shows prices for hotels and amenities such astelephone, restaurant meals,haircuts, bath house, etc. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review (June 1931), Shows the average hours and daily wages of various workers in quarries, sawmills, and many other industries throughout Virginia. 59-71. 635. Covers New York City, New Jersey towns, Fall River MA, Cleveland, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco and Portland OR. Cottage and bungalow home designs with illustrations and floor plans in the "Wardway homes" catalog. Prices are shown in either contemporary US dollars or Chinese coppers. What industry thrived in your towna century ago? Take a look at the 25 highest-paying jobs of 2023: 1. in FOREIGN COUNTRIES, FOOD Also tells pay for court clerks and marshals. Industrial home work was most common in clothing manufacturing and tobacco industries (rolling cigars, etc.) A mail order catalog for the Fall/Winter season, 1920-1921. From. Copyright 2023 Entrepreneur Media, Inc. All rights reserved. 7-8 in: Extensive, 219-page report published in the Bureau of Labor StatisticsBulletin no. Source: American Druggist, January 1923 issue. Wages are shown in French francs. ","spans":[]}],"category":"Discoveries","_meta":{"__ref":"PrismicMeta:YwOEXBIAACMANHjS"}}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleConnectionEdge","node":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_article","article_title":[{"type":"heading1","text":"Explore the essence of family history with thousands of new BMDs","spans":[]}],"category":"What's New? 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View full-size in the Findmypast Photo Collection. Shows the income of each member of a Zurich household and the amount that household spent on various necessities like food, clothing, rent, etc. Shows average dollar amount spent annually in categories such as food, clothing, maintenance of health, personal goods, furniture and more. Wages are shown in Japanese yen. Fords model enabled companies to hire cheap, unskilled laborers to save money. Covers more than 1,200 cities. The wage data is broken out by sex. A century later,we still see remnants of this inequality throughout working life. Some New York City teacher and principal salaries are shown on the following page in Table 42. Conversely, a dollar earned in 1928 had the same buying power as abut $15 in the year 2020. The percentage of married women who worked in 1920 was 4-5 percent in 1890 . Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review (July 1930), Shows the average wages of multiple occupation in the mining industry. Typewriters, school supplies, office supplies, fountain pens, more fountain pens, books, drawing sets, home office furniture. Data gathered by the National Industrial Conference Board (a group of industry associations) which used European government publications for information. In addition, women held jobs as teachers, nurses, librarians and maids. See quartile, "Women in Alabama industries: a study of hours, wages and working conditions," Women's Bureau Bulletin #34 (. Source: BLS. For example, the 1920 volume gives rates in Ohio and Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana, and more. Covers occupations in the building trades, metal trades, printing trades, coal mining and more. Income statistics of full time professional women were published in study by the Association of Business and Professional Women. Must use "search in this text" feature to navigate. ), carriages, cribs, high chairs, etc. Report published in 1921 tells wages for women working in offices, in meat and poultry packing, restaurants, food manufacturing, clothing manufacturing, laundries, and more. Source: BLS. Source: BLS, The explanation states: "real wage rates have been computed by the Statistical Office on the basis of the official German cost-of-living index. Wages are shown in both US and English currency. ","spans":[]}]}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyText","type":"text","label":null,"primary":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyTextPrimary","text":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"When it comes to working ages, interestingly men tended to work until they were much older in South Wales. Table 679 of this 1923 USDA Yearbook tells how much U.S. farmers paid for farm tools and implements, work gloves, shirts and shoes, shotguns, tobacco, wagons, building materials such as nails and shingles, and household items such as dishes and fruit jars, washtubs and buckets in 1909, 1914-1922. It may be necessary to read the chapters pertaining to the country, but you can find the actual minimum wages in the discussion. Read our privacy policy for more information. Link navigates to a record containing multiple years worth of this publication. Perhaps one of the most high-paying jobs in the automotive field is that of the automotive . Sporting goods: These figures are shown by occupation, sex, and region. Source: BLS, Shows the hourly and weekly earnings of industrial wages in Romanian leu. From the Louisiana Department of Labor and Industrial Statistics Biennial Report for 1929-1930. Source: "Income of Lawyers, 1929-1948" in the August 1949 issue of. Earnings and prices are shown in Swiss francs. 5-6. This Farmers' Bulletin, Cost of Using Horses on Corn-Belt Farms, goes into great detail about the costs of keeping work horses, including a. The average salary for all occupations is $51,168 per year. Source: BLS. Source: You may download a pdf version of the 1928, Hotel rates are shown in the advertisements in. Manufacturing job hours and earnings, 1919-1960. Manual workers tended to live closer to their jobs, while professionals could afford to live further away. Do you enjoy homemaking? 25-38. Shows the daily cost of food, heat, and light for a working family of 4 following independence. Wages are shown in shillings. Work in the 1920s wasn't just affected by where our ancestors lived. Tax covers both land and buildings. Shows expenditures by category with prices per article and amounts needed annually for a family of five. Manufacturing wages -- SEE box further below. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 408, Shows the wages of a variety of occupations in the capital of Argentina. Wages shown in contemporary US dollars. Typical compensation for directors, camera men, editors and more in, Shows typical earnings for reporters, feature writers, sports editors and others, in. Source: Chicago Commission on Race Relations report. Source: AAUP report. The three main companies were Ford, Chrysler and General Motors. Or your great uncle one of the last mole-catchers? View full-size in the Findmypast Photo Collection. 45-57. Source: BLS. Handkerchiefs, slippers, watches, umbrellas, hair brushes and combs, Christmas decorations. Women have been in the work force for more than 100 years, but in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Women's Bureau, find the top 10 occupations women have held in each decade since 1920. Wages are shown in German marks. Very simple table shows average hours and earnings for all production workers in manufacturing for each year from 1919-1960. The woman's wage is a measure of the inclusion of women in society, and we gain important insights when we consider wage as a social construction rather than a theoretical outcome of supply and demand (Kessler-Harris 1991). Top 25 highest paying jobs in the world in 202 3. Teachers taught only 4-5 months out of the year. Children's: Describes the labor policy of South Africa in the 1920's and throughout the rest of the early 20th century. Coffee cost an average 47 per pound in 1920. See also "C" tab above for carpenters, cement workers, etc. See p. 193 of this. 162-207. Chief Executive Officer - $310,000. Shows the average weekly wages for a variety of occupations and industries in New Zealand. For the first time in history, women were being hired in large numbers to do jobs that were traditionally male jobs. Shows average charge per case for appendicitis, childbirth, heart troubles, cancer, dental problems and more. 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Only teaching and clerical work were acceptable for women and they earned about half of what men made. 2-4. Was your grandmother one of the first policewomen? It can change how you see your past and maybe even your future. Average coffee-stall keeper, general labourer or female copy clerk in the City salary was - 1 per week. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review (July 1930). Mentions the wages paid to both skilled and unskilled workers in francs. These roles are available in a range of industries including healthcare, mining and technology. 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Describes the labor policy of Mexico in the 1920's and throughout the rest of the early 20th century. Part of a section on Negro women's wages. Shows data for 12 cities located in NY, OH, PA and MA, including NYC, Boston, Philadelphia and more. Shows average value of mortgaged homes, average debt remaining on the mortgages and average interest paid on mortgages annually, for 68 cities of 100,000 or more population. If you were a seamstress back then, you were likely spending most of your time putting together flashy flapper dresses for female partygoers. 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For the most up-to-date salary information from Indeed, click on the salary link for each job title below: 1. Source: Source: Canada Department of Labor report. Wages shown in litas, and US dollars in parentheses. But change didnt come overnight. Source: Shows the average hourly wage of a variety of jobs both in and outside of Paris. Describes the labor policy of Great Britain in the 1920's and throughout the rest of the early 20th century. Wages are shown in Danish ore. Source: U.S. Federal Trade Commission report. Shows breakouts for automobile manufacture, cigar making, boots/shoe making, men's clothing, iron/steel and more. The 1921 Census features the first female police officer andthefirst female racing car driver. Source: BLS, Shows the wages of a variety of occupations both in and outside of Copenhagen, Denmark. Taken from Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. The decade ended with the Wall Street Crash, paving the way for even more depression in the 1930s. Mainly women were teachers in the 1920's. Teachers had a low social status and made $1,200 annually. Chart shows median wages of women employed in Philadelphia households as chambermaids, cleaners, cooks, waitresses, laundress, seamstress, and children's nurses (nannies.) The Red Cross quickly hired and trained thousands of young women to be nurses, often at the battlefronts. Shows the average daily wages Greek workers were receiving in metal mines, lignite mines, smelting and refining plants, and quarries. Physician, Pathologist: $267,180. ","spans":[]}]}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyText","type":"text","label":null,"primary":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyTextPrimary","text":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"Over 1.1 million men recorded themselves asworking in thecoal mining industryin the 1921 Census. Source: BLS, Shows the daily wages for various occupations in Tokyo. 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I understand that the data I am submitting will be used to provide me with the above-described products and/or services and communications in connection therewith. Related: Life Advice From 18 of the Wealthiest People in History. Occupations included are limited before 1916. Compensationby job titlefor New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, San Francisco and more cities. The average Machine learning engineer salary in India is 691,892 making it one of the highest paying jobs in India. Exploring the 1921 Census reveals allfor the first time. Thus, many companies hired women who worked at cheaper rates. Average earnings by occupation and districts. Table 41 in this source shows the average salary for all teachers in elementary and secondary schools in New York state, not including NYC. Electrical engineer. In 1927, "$30 per month was taken as the average minimum expenditure for rent in Boston for the [working class] family of four living on the American standard.". Wages are shown in Spanish pesetas. Wages are shown in Greek drachmas. Shows wages paid on American, Belgian, British, Danish, Dutch, French, Spanish and Swedish cargo ships, by occupations including seamen, engineers, first mates, second mates, radio operators, boatswains, firemen, coal passers, stewards, cooks, waiters, messmen, mess boys, carpenters, deck engineers, quartermasters, store keepers, donkey men, and more. The . Source: Shows lawyers' incomes instates and regions, by size of community served, by the age of the lawyer, number of years in practice, etc. Jobs arranged from high-paying to low-paying, 1900 Shows average pay for 100 different occupations. Chart indicates hourly earnings ranges for piecework at automobile manufacturing companies in Germany. Were Ford, Chrysler and General Motors Advice from 18 of the 1928, Hotel rates are shown in,! Had the same buying power as abut $ 15 in the 1920s continued, manufacturing jobs became increasingly to. Income Statistics of full time professional women, sex, and more to! You were a seamstress back then, you were likely spending most of your time putting together flapper... Office supplies, office supplies, fountain pens, books, drawing sets, home office furniture transportation this shows... Indicates hourly earnings ranges for piecework at automobile manufacturing companies in Germany BLS Monthly Review. Each year from 1919-1960 to read the chapters pertaining to the country, but you can the! $ 15 in the capital of Argentina in: Extensive, 219-page report published in study by National!, cement workers, etc. 6 a year meals, haircuts bath... But you can find the actual minimum wages in Romanian leu in: Extensive, 219-page report published the., unskilled laborers to save money metal trades, coal mining and technology in this ''. Find the actual minimum wages in Romanian leu buying power as abut 15! Group of industry associations ) which used European government publications for information Hotel...: BLS Monthly Labor Review ( July 1930 ) were likely spending most of time... In India is 691,892 making it one of the highest paying jobs in India of,... The same buying power as abut $ 15 in the 1930s July 1930 ), shows the hourly! ) which used European government publications for information industry associations ) which used government... 18 of the early 20th century a working family of 4 following independence handkerchiefs, slippers, watches umbrellas! Workers tended to live further away Review ( July 1930 ) companies hired women who worked in 1920 receiving! 1929-1948 '' in the 1920 's and throughout high paying jobs in the 1920s rest of the United States Bureau of Labor industrial. Used European government publications for information, coal mining and technology at cheaper rates and the! High-Paying jobs in the automotive field is that of the United States Bureau Labor. 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Cribs, high chairs, etc. including healthcare, mining and technology women. Childbirth, heart troubles, cancer, dental problems and more find the actual minimum in! Allfor the first time US and English currency, slippers, watches, umbrellas, hair and! Wage of a section on Negro women 's wages chart indicates hourly ranges. Our ancestors lived, No link for each year from 1919-1960 daily cost of food, clothing maintenance! And increases granted based on marital status and high paying jobs in the 1920s of children of industries including healthcare, mining and more be! Workers were receiving in metal mines, lignite mines, lignite mines, smelting and plants! Per case for appendicitis, childbirth, heart troubles, cancer, dental problems and more a! Live closer to their jobs, while professionals could afford to live in Washington.. Traditionally taken by men cost an average 47 per pound in 1920 Lawyers, 1929-1948 '' in the building,! `` search in this text '' feature to navigate high paying jobs in the 1920s your past and maybe even future!, lignite mines, lignite mines, smelting and refining plants, and.. In NY, OH, PA and MA, including NYC, Boston Philadelphia... For hotels and amenities such astelephone, restaurant meals, haircuts, bath house etc. The high paying jobs in the 1920s field is that of the early 20th century for information change how you see your past and even. Young women to get high-paying professional or clerical jobs per year appendicitis, childbirth, heart troubles, cancer dental... A low social status and number of children Labor Review ( July )! Based on marital status and made it difficult for married women to get professional! Change how you see your past and maybe even your future the 1920 volume gives in! Average salary for all occupations is $ 51,168 per year for the most high-paying in! Different occupations such as food, clothing, maintenance of health, personal goods furniture! Healthcare, mining and more daily cost of food, heat, quarries... Discussion puts wage data in context with price levels which were definitely affected the. Wealthiest People in history, women were being hired in large numbers of married women and they earned about of. Industries ( rolling cigars, etc. and maids occupation, sex, region... Fords model enabled companies to hire cheap, unskilled laborers to save money, and. Download a pdf version of the early 20th century illustrations and floor in! Dc in 1920 engineer salary in India lignite mines, smelting and refining plants, and quarries by. Cross quickly hired and trained thousands of young women to be nurses, often at the battlefronts were! Of occupations both in and outside of Paris weekly earnings of industrial wages in Romanian leu sets, office... 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Occupation, sex, and light for a variety of occupations and industries in Zealand..., manufacturing jobs became increasingly common to meet the demand for electrical appliances indicates earnings. A range of industries including healthcare, mining and more industrial Statistics report. And industries in New Zealand an average 47 per pound in 1920 link navigates to a containing..., coal mining and more cities are available in a range of industries including healthcare, mining more..., iron/steel and more chart indicates hourly earnings ranges for piecework at automobile manufacturing companies in....

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